
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Happy Thoughts

We are bustin' our seams with pride over the kind comments received in recent weeks...
I just wanted to let you know how much I have enjoyed making these photo blocks. Your photo wizard was wonderful and the projects turned out great. I think both my mom and my mother-in-law will enjoy this new way to look at family photos. Also, I appreciated the quick response I received earlier when I thought I had a problem receiving my project. Nice to know there is support behind a website. Have a very Merry Christmas.
Angela L
Vancouver, WA

I just wanted you to know that our class went very well. My pictures were a perfect size and lined up perfectly with very little sanding. I hope the next ones I do turn out as well. I appreciate all your help. I will call upon you if I need assistance. These are great Christmas gifts!


Have a GREAT day!
Thanks again. You've helped a ton!

Just wanted to write and tell you how much I love my puzzle blocks. A friend of mine gave me one for Christmas last year, and it is making the perfect gift to all my family this year. The kits are AWESOME and make it so simple....thanks for a great website and a great photo wizard. I will be telling all of my friends about your site and can't wait to give the puzzles to my family members-- I know they will love them as much as I do!
~Judi P

And just today, someone shared pictures of a favorite Christmas gift at Nannygoat. We love your puzzle Kathryn!

Thanks for sharing, everyone!