
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Celebrating Family

Love it when we have a reason to gather as family for a celebration. My youngest turned 12 recently. Not the 'big 13,' but still plenty of reason to celebrate. A party with friends was discussed, but it turns out that my pre-teen loves our family gatherings as much as I do and he wanted those near and dear to his heart to share in his special day.

While grandparents are states away and aunts/uncles/cousins aren't much closer, we are lucky to be surrounded by a network of extended family that willingly fill the void. Some of them think nothing of the two (plus) hour drive just to hang out. You have to feel special knowing that family members will go to such lengths JUST to SEE YOU!

Of course, it would be wrong to forget those adopted family members that might not show up on the family pedigree but are the first ones listed on the family contact list. "Uncle Mike" not only shared a good portion of his Saturday taking 'da boys to the gun range, but Mike (as in Suni's Mike) and family returned the next day to give us the rest of their busy weekend.

Every family needs a cousin Beth to keep the family unit tightly knitted. Not only is she the MAIN instigator of most family outings, but she'll beautifully document said event if you put a camera in her hands!

How fortunate we are to develop these treasured relationships, create memories and preserve family stories. Alex Haley penned it beautifully, "In every conceivable manner, the family is the link to our past, the bridge to our future."

Monday, April 20, 2009

Perfect for Mother's Day!

Looking for a nice, easy way to remember mom on Mother's Day? Make and Takes recently shared the following idea...

I think I'll score points with my m-i-l by making a centerpiece featuring her fabulous grandchildren.

I just might have to make one for myself! For my version, I'll create a tribute to our maternal legacy by featuring a picture of each generation's mother.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Photo Wizard Update

Want to feature family members on your own Memory Calendar? We're happy to announce that our Photo Wizard is ready to help!

First you'll need to locate and digitized pictures of friends and family that you want to remember on your calendar.

Next, go to and click on the Photo Wizard menu option. Look for the Get Started button. Enter your account information, or set up a new account. Don't's free!

The next screen is the Add Photos page. Just like the name implies, this is where you'll add pictures to your account. Simply click on the Browse button, find the picture files on your computer and press the Add Photo button. You can add up to 20 pictures, so don't forget anyone!

Once your photos are loaded, select the project that you're working this case, Face Buttons. All that's left is to format the picture within the dotted lines. Use the slider bar to shrink or enlarge your picture. Your Memory Calendar Kit comes with round and square shaped buttons. Be sure to use both shapes when formatting the pictures.

Here's the part (the IMPORTANT part) that tells the Wizard what size to make these pictures so they'll fit the calendar buttons. BE SURE to select the project type. You'll need to do this once for each picture. It's easy, just click on the arrow to the right of Tree and highlight the Calendar option.

Save your changes and click on the Add Photo to Print list. Once you've added all of your pictures to the print list, you can click on the Print button located in the bottom right corner of the screen. The Wizard sends you an email with information on how to access your print job and important printing details.

You are now ready to create a keepsake that is sure to bring a smile to your face as you remember those things most important to you throughout the year.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Where to Go?

Spring break has come and almost gone. Not much to report... Kids are pretty disappointed with the lack of excitement around here, but after several weeks of running hard my re-occurring herniated disk reared its ugly head and I spent the week trying to knock it back down. Our big hur-rah was a trip to 5 Guys Burger and Fries (a welcomed addition to the list of local fast-food eateries).

Suni got it right. She and family headed out of town right after we finished last Saturday's marathon. Never mind the fact that she spent part of her week teaching a Stories by Me class in sunny California. She still enjoyed several blissful days without house chores or home responsibilities.

The kids and I pulled out some of our old photo albums and reminisced about past spring breaks. Happy days! We might not have much in the way of bragging rights this year, but these photographs reminded us of some fun-filled, action packed trips that we've enjoyed over the years.

We hope that your spring break was just that...a break from daily life, enjoying all that Spring has to offer!