
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Random Giveaway: Thanksgiving Vintage Tin

Why not? We had such a great time hearing from you during our Halloween giveaway that we thought we'd do it again. These tins have been very popular and we think you'll enjoy displaying one in your home or office. Each tin measures 8x8 inches and includes two hand-finished magnets. These sweet images were once featured on Victorian era greeting cards and they are a great reminder of simplier times.

Here's how the giveaway works: Leave a comment on this post before midnight on Thursday, November 6th. We'll choose a random visitor and post the winner on Friday the 7th. The winner will be able to choose one of the above Thanksgiving Vintage Tins. Best of luck...we look forward to hearing from YOU!


  1. I just found this site and love it. I can't wait to make the Memory puzzles and candles.

  2. Oh goodie, I missed the other giveaway. I for sure should be picked because after all I am on your merchandise!!! Hugs to you both.

  3. These products make fantastic gifts. I'm not the artsy type myself, but my friends really appreciate getting something that looks aesthetic AND creative!

  4. Seriously fortunate for me to have checked your website tonight and squeek a comment in for you awesome giveaway. Love how your minds work. Keep up the good work. I will also thank your families as I am partly responsible for sucking up some of your precious family time Suni.
