
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Definition of Irony

I would like to share my definition of irony. We have three boys...all cub scouts. That's nine pinewood derby's between 'em. I also have one husband who spends a good part of the year on business travel. We get that he has to travel, but it always seems to coincide when we need him here. Take the pinewood derby. We're not gung-ho derby enthusiasts. We always wait until the week of the race to start our kits. We never use tools the way they're meant to be used. Why use a jig saw when miter saw will get the job done...sort of. I can't think of a single time that we entered a car with dry paint. Our car always has pennies (and sometimes nickles and quarters) taped to it in an effort to meet the weight requirements.

We can deal with having the ugliest car in the race. But how do you console a child when they have the ugliest and SLOWEST car? Ours have literally stopped on the tracks and had to be prodded down to the finish line. I get that Dad couldn't have done much at this point, but it sure would have been nice to have him around pretending to know exactly where to apply the grease lightening!

Guess what. Our local Pack's Pinewood Derby is this week. My husband is town! The irony? Our youngest is now a boy scout and too old to participate. Go figure!

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