
Monday, August 10, 2009

Trek Across the Plains, Aug 10, 1849

If you are just now tuning in to our Trek story, we have been sharing the experiences of the George A. Smith Company of Immigrants as they crossed the plains in 1849. Even if you don't have a personal connection to this hardy group of pioneers, the annotations are enthralling and the descriptions amazingly visual of an era long past.

Wednesday, August 8, 1849: Captain Patten with three or four others went out hunting for the camp and shot a fine buffalo bull and an antelope; also drove fine pony that he found on the planes into camp, caught him, and returned back for the buffalo, and found the hunters had all left. The buffalo was nicely cut up and covered over with a blanket. In returning he got lost fifteen miles from camp and tarried out all night without arms. The others tarried out also. The following morning a wagon was sent out for the buffalo, but did not find it. The wolves had been there and devoured it, but we had the pleasure of dining on an antelope.

Friday, August 10, 1849: A heavy shower coming on, we encamped early near low sand bluffs. From about five o'clock p.m. until midnight there was one constant and incessant torrent; the lightening flashed in vivid glare, the thunder rolled in rumbling terrific perils, the wind howled through our camp of canvass stretched to the enraged elements. Many were the mothers and infants that received the cold drops through their frail coverings and reposed in their saturated beds without murmuring, as it was Heaven's will. The cattle bent to the storm as they stood upon their feet and some time gently tried a chain or rope by which they were made fast. The guard, wet and dripping, paced the camp in their several rounds crying the hour, exposed to the furious and pitiless storm. In the the morning the camp arose to behold a beautiful clear sky, a shining scene; cattle all safe, and cheerful and smiling countenances in the camp, and plenty of water around the same.

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