
Saturday, March 27, 2010

A New Family Chart Idea

For more than a year we've been kicking around an idea for a Stories by Me version of a family chart. We're sure you're curious. What makes something a Stories by Me project? Well, since you asked...1. Can you personalize it? In case you haven't noticed, all of our projects are customizable. They're meant to feature family faces and allow for the sharing of stories. (Yes, even the fabric frame project was first introduced with family faces!){We share two different ways to add family faces. In the first example, all we did was trim 3x5 photographs and hold them to the board with the finished magnets. The second example features a lot more faces. For this version we've formatted each face to fit the round buttons ~super easy if you use our Photo Wizard!}

2. Is it versatile? Our very first project was our puzzle blocks. The puzzles were meant as a way for our kids to connect with their great-great grandparents. It wasn't long before we realized that there were as many different puzzle options as there were people making the puzzles. We now try to look at each project and think of the many ways that they can be used. It's our way of igniting your creativity. {We made sure that the designs looks equally well vertically as they do horizontally. Each board comes with predrilled holes so you can hang it if you want. Or, it sits perfectly in an easel. }

3. Is it a good value? We don't need tough times to appreciate good values, though we definitely appreciate them even more in the current economy! We LOVE the size of these new boards and came up with all sorts of ways to use them. Wanting to keep the basic kit price as low as possible, we decided to offer a free download with other chart options. That way you can finish your chart just the way YOU want to! Download our Family Chart Buttons and print the pages you want on scrapbook paper that complements your board design.
{Our kit comes with basic parts for making a Family Home Evening or Family Time Chart: 9x19" magnet board, 10 round buttons, magnet tape, and decorated papers for finishing your buttons. But maybe what you REALLY need is a fun, easy way of charting chores that need to get done at your house. Ok, same board, same supplies; just download our Family Chart Button.pdf to create a chore chart, advent calendar, or monthly calendar.}

4. Do we love it enough to display it in our own homes? Yes, oh yes! Here's the way we're currently featuring the board at our house. My twelve year old can't wait to turn 13. You might think that an advent calendar isn't a big deal by this age, but you'd be DEAD wrong! First thing every morning another buttons comes off as he gets closer to the BIG DAY!Thanks Beth for sharing your gorgeous pictures for this project. Be sure to check out Beth's Photo Studio here.
{Here's our basic Family Chart Kit. Comes with the supplies shown for getting started. You just add the family faces! Our kits will be featured at the Ladies Night next Saturday night at the Fort Union Deseret Book store.... that means they'll be 20% OFF! We'll try to get it on our website shortly after that!}

Connecting with some of our favorite linking parties!The Creative Girl | Skip to My Lou | Twice Remembered | A Soft Place to Land| Keep it Simple | Sumo's Sweet Stuff | A Soft Place to Land | Reinvented | My Frugal Family | Blue Cricket Design | Life in the Pitts | My Backyard Eden | Some What Simple | Life as Lori | Fingerprints on the Fridge | Infarrantly Creative | Creative Jewish Mom


  1. Another wonderful project! Thanks so much for linking up on Craft Schooling Sunday, your finished products are so beautiful and inspiring! all the best, Sara

  2. WOW that looks great! I love the colors and the pictures!

  3. I also love the colors and pictures;)!

  4. Oh hey, this is great! I wonder if I could make one with stuff I have on hand...

    Thank you for linking this to A Little Craft Therapy with Life in the Pitts.

  5. Hi Lanie Ree...of course you can make one with stuff on hand! We hope we inspired you. Use the button .pdf and save yourself some work, or create the buttons you need for your perfect board.

  6. Hello! I'm your new follower though Make it your Day! Great site! Visit me at and sign up for my giveaway!

  7. Very neat project.

    Thanks for joining Get Your Craft on Thursday. Please join me next week for another wonderful party!!

    Please stop by next week I am having guest over each day and I would love for you to tell them HI!
