
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day

It's late in the day, but we wanted to wish you a Happy St. Patrick's Day!

I thought I'd show you a few fun projects that I've done to spread the luck around my house. These are super easy, and fun!

Button Rainbow
I gathered buttons - everybody has a button jar, don't they?! Along with an old frame, a piece of cardboard, a scrap of fabric and my trusty hot glue gun. Cover the cardboard with fabric. Arrange your buttons on the fabric. Start gluing! I spray painted my frame black to cover the old dinged up wood. Let the buttons dry and voila - done!

Yarn Pom Poms.

You'll need:
Green Yarn, scissors and your hands.

Wrap the yarn around your fingers (all 4). Keep wrapping! When you have a bunch of yard around your fingers, pry it off and tie a small piece of yarn in the middle. Cut the loop ends and fluff. Trim your pom pom as needed. Mine are sitting in a silver bowl in my living room. Just a bit of fun texture and color.

Marble LUCK in frames
A friend actually put these together for me. She got green marbles at the craft store, found some green scrapbook paper in her stash and random frames from the local thrift store. Paint the frames black - because black goes with everything! Arrange your marbles to form the letters you want and glue them into place. For the marbles we needed something stronger than hot glue so our trusty friend E6000 was the star of this show.

Hope you've had a LUCKY day!


1 comment:

  1. I adore buttons! What a fabulous idea! And the "Luck" frames are darling.
