
Friday, August 5, 2011

Yes, we're alive!

Has it really been over 2 months since we've posted here on the blog?! Yikes!! One of you faithful readers, Joanne in Florida, emailed to make sure everything was ok. How sweet of her! It makes our hearts happy to know that there is someone out there that does check in from time to time and enjoys our projects and stories!

No need to worry about us though. We are preparing for the biggest show of the year. Like 100,000+ people big! For those of you who missed us last year, we'll be back at Swiss Days! We are over-the-top excited and can't wait to show off what we have been working on!

For now we'll crawl back into our holes and continue to work. Keep checking back for a peek into what we will have in our booth!


  1. So glad to see you officially back! I will gladly take full responsibility for getting you back to us! Missed you and can't wait to see what new ideas you have for us! Welcome back!

  2. Looking forward to shopping at your booth at Swiss Days!!!
