
Friday, July 18, 2008

Every Child is a Story Yet to be Told

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This photo collection has proudly claimed prime wall space for the last decade and a half, even though we have moved four times! The pictures document our family faces at approximately the same age. It's easy to see the similarities with those sweet baby faces staring at you!

Everyone can be a fabulous decorator using vinyl lettering! We found this great saying from DCWV Home. It's part of their baby collection. We bought ours at Robert's Crafts where there were oodles and oodles of sayings in a variety of vinyl colors. Of course, we LOVE this sentiment as we have made it our life's mission to look for ways to preserve these stories!


  1. Very cool blog! fun to get ideas. Very cool generation frame with kevin and his generations of the Hyer men.

    A girl I know has that same idea on her wall of her home.

    and i love the quote on your wall.

  2. Thanks Lori! We hope to get a dialog going with the readers to share ideas about what they are doing to preserve family stories. We can't do it all, but we can all do something!

    Great hearing from you!!
