
Monday, August 29, 2011

4 Days to Swiss Days!

Remember these?

We managed to gather a variety of Grandma's teacups this summer to make more birdfeeders. And a lucky few will be able to purchase these treasures at Swiss Days this weekend! Quantities are limited and not one is the same - just like Grandma. We hope to see you Friday!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

7 Days and Counting to Swiss Days, 2011

If you were at Swiss Days two years ago, you might remember our Wire Tree kit. We hadn't planned on selling them, but we thought it would be fun to provide one as a give-away. The response was overwhelming. This fabulous little tree actually got us a stint on KSL's Studio Five. About 6 months ago, we received an order from a customer in Tokyo. Typically, we don't take international orders because the shipping is so outrageous, but this new friend 1/2 way around the world REALLY wanted the kit for a company team-building project. When I took the package to FedEX, I asked for the different shipping options. They came back with two prices, one that was 940 something and another in the 600 range. I was confused. Was that in yen? I asked for the conversion rate. Oh no, that was in US dollars!! CRAZY. Technology is an amazing thing. I texted the customer right then and there in the middle of the FedEx store. I could NOT feel good about charging someone 6+ times the price of the kit just to ship it to them. Thousands of miles (and several time zones) between us and I get a response within 2 minutes to go ahead and ship the kit at the $650 rate. I kid you not!

I share the story because it is one that has gone into the Stories by Me Hall of Fame. I also share the story because we were able to get our hands on another 20 trees. Even better news is that we have a second version that is quite a bit less...both in price and amount of work! Be sure to check it out if you're at Swiss Days!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Losing Count and Sleep!

I'm already slipping on my resolve to share all of our new projects for Swiss Days, but here's our latest calendar design. There's a funny story that accompanies it. Suni was making up a few sets for the non-do-it-yourselfer. About an hour into the project I got a phone call. "Did you mean to leave off the #12?" What? In my haste to get the file to the printers, I somehow deleted an entire day from our perpetual calendar. Now, anyone who knows me, knows that if given the chance, I'd ADD days to my month, not take one away! Grateful, it was an easy fix. Our printer is used to my 'fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants' and has already provide the errant #12.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

11 Days to Swiss Days!

A couple of weeks ago, I had one of those Reese's Chocolate and Peanut Butter moments. Last year we started having fun with these thin wooden plates that make the most perfect backdrop for pictures! Maybe you'll remember the ornaments that I shared at Christmas time...

We also used them for a Valentine project that we did at a local store...

For Swiss Days, we decided to make up a few ornaments using the same definitions that we used on our pillow projects...

So what was the Chocolate and Peanut Butter moment? I have cherished old recipes of my hubby's grandmother. I never knew quite what to do with them. There I sat in my kitchen one day when the light went on! Why not feature these fabulous family heirlooms on these versatile wooden placards? Suni dug out a couple of her grandmother's recipes and we now have enough ornaments to do a whole cooking themed tree this holiday. I want to find the recipe that my mother used for making our gingerbread cookies. Wouldn't that be fun to have a tree filled with recipes and cookies?

We created a fun paper backing to our project. (Be sure to print it using a laser printer as ink jets can smear when they get wet.) We added a name and picture to remind us of family. You can use this free down-loadable .PDF to create your own family memory!

Monday, August 22, 2011

12 days til Swiss Days!

Did the math. There really are only 12 days until the highlight of our year, Swiss Days. Thought we'd better crawl out of our holes to show you some of the things that have kept us so very quiet. Check back over the next week and a half and we'll try to unveil a new creation every day.

Of course, we hope that you'll want to check them out in person on September 2&3 in Midway, Utah! Look for us in booth B44 this year...
Suni has been busy sewing. These are her creations. She received the Family Tree pillow as a Christmas gift from her sister and of course, I had to have one! The 'Nest' definition pillows that she made for her own Christmas gifts were such a hit that we decided to expand the list and created designs for 'Family' and 'Love.' If our printer gets them done in time, we also hope to have a couple of other designs that include Sister and Friend.

Be sure to read the 'Family' definition carefully. We thought the dictionary definition didn't quite do the word justice.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Yes, we're alive!

Has it really been over 2 months since we've posted here on the blog?! Yikes!! One of you faithful readers, Joanne in Florida, emailed to make sure everything was ok. How sweet of her! It makes our hearts happy to know that there is someone out there that does check in from time to time and enjoys our projects and stories!

No need to worry about us though. We are preparing for the biggest show of the year. Like 100,000+ people big! For those of you who missed us last year, we'll be back at Swiss Days! We are over-the-top excited and can't wait to show off what we have been working on!

For now we'll crawl back into our holes and continue to work. Keep checking back for a peek into what we will have in our booth!