We hope that you've had the chance to check out our block puzzle kits in person. We show additional samples on our website: http://www.storiesbyme.com/. Our kits will let you make your own custom puzzle. In this post, we hope to address questions such as:
* can I buy a kit locally?
* can I attend a demonstration or class?
* I'm making a block puzzle and have a question or problem...
First off, yes, you can buy a kit locally! Our kits are currently located at Mormon Handicraft (several locations through Utah), Me & My House (Bountiful), This is the Place, Heritage Park and The Musuem of Church History and Art (both in Salt Lake City). You can always order a kit through our website.
We are now scheduling demonstrations for the new year. If you are interested in a demonstration or class, please contact us at wizard@storiesbyme.com. We will get back to you and find a demonstration time that will fit your schedule.
If you are in the process of making a block puzzle and have a question, please be sure to post it in the comment section (link below) so we can address it as soon as possible! If you have a problem, or suggestion or have found a solution that worked for you, please post that as well! We are hoping that you will be able to help others out there that may have the same question or problem.
Again, thank you for visiting us here at Stories by Me! and we love to hear from you!!