Here's a fun idea that has made the rounds through different blog sites. It's EASY, so of course, we
had to share it!
This interview can be done with a son or daughter, grandchild, nephew or niece or any little friend. Be sure to record the answers and the interview date. Throw in a picture (or two) of the two of you and you have another priceless memory preserved!
**So you know... the sites where we found this idea posted had the cute comments of family members for each question. My boys just aren't at the cute stage... we think 'surly' is a better description. We don't want to taint your perception of the activity, so we'll leave our kids comments out!
What does mama (or nana, papa...) always say to you?**
What makes mama happy?**
What makes mama sad?**
How does mama make you laugh?**
What was mama like when she was little?**
How old is mama?**
How tall is mama?**
What does mama like to do?**
What is something mama doesn't like to do?**
What does mama do for a job?**
What is mama's favorite food?**
What is mama's favorite color?**
What do mama and (child's name) like to do together?**
How do you know mama loves you?**