Thanks to everyone who visited our booth and offered such warm words of encouragement.
Thanks to an amazing group of friends who gave up personal time with family to sweat alongside us. You know who you are guys... we're forever in your debt!
And a special thanks must once again go out to our families. Not only did they support our being gone for three straight days, but they gave up plenty of home-cooked meals, time away from their own activities and a life of normality as we prepared for the event. If you can imagine, Suni's husband Mike not only tended his own family during our absence, but took in two of my boys... they had such a blast, they didn't want to come home!

Check back in the next few days. We have a lot of orders to fill, but can't wait to show you how we made the fun family frame.
Oh, did we remember to thank Marilyn at Constant Growing Amazment? Gotta' check out who she claimed as a favorite vendor at Swiss Days. Now... who could it be?