The statistics of the Benson camp are as follows: 120 wagons, 447 souls, 128 men, 23 horses , 2 mules, 2 ponies, 489 ovens, 220 cows, 70 loose cattle, 100 sheep, 12 pigs, 80 chickens, 17 cats, 27 dogs, 19 ducks, 4 turkeys, 2 dove, 151 guns, 37 pistols and 1 sword. Two marriages and three births have taken place.
Thursday, August 23, 1849: A little over eleven miles travel completed our day's journey. The weather was very hot and the roads heavy over the sandy bluffs. The cattle were much fatigued, some very near giving out. A wagon in the Welsh company was overturned crossing a creek. Another came very near being ran into the river by the cattle attached to it. A boy in the George A. Smith family got hurt by a yoke of cattle, a Welsh woman had her feet nearly mashed and another was bitten by a dog belonging to Brother Simmons. Accidents enough for one day.
Friday, August 31, 1849: Fourteen miles were computed for our travels today. It is quite a curiosity here to view the works of nature along the bluffs on the margin of the river, representing castles, towers, forts, chimney, cupolas, etc.