Son and hubby met me downtown for a quick lunch. Blocks from our destination my car konked out without any warning. Just a slight whimper and she was gone. Gratefully my strapping 19-year-old didn't mind pushing an over-sized SUV through downtown traffic to the one available parking spot. Did I mention that it was pouring rain?
That put a slight damper on the day, but hubby graciously waited for the tow truck and son and I dashed off to our new favorite dining spot, Bruges Waffles and Frites for a delicious 'last lunch date.' Oh my, it was good. I ate at least a pound of potatoes that I dipped in this amazing fry sauce (something mayonnaisey with a bit of kick) and more than my fair share of the most delicious caramelized waffles. T's new home away from home promises to treat him well in the food category!
We found out the fuel pump on my car needs replacing...not exactly how we wanted to spend $500, but grateful it was nothing more serious. We took just enough time to grab a second waffle for kind dad (who took pulled the short straw so we could have our lunch date) and ran to pick him up and rent a car for the big day. Somehow, cramming the family into the Honda Prelude, not to mention the two big bags that is holding all of my son's earthly possessions for the next two years, did NOT sound like fun.
We were moments from our freeway exit when traffic came to a screeching halt. The first few seconds of waiting weren't bad, but as the minutes ticked on it became painfully apparent that we were not going anywhere soon. As i sat there thinking of the things were were supposed to be getting done, I started to nimble on the waffle that I so lovingly held for my better half.
All in all, I'd say our day was better than this poor driver's!
Hug the one's you love and let them know how grateful you are to have them in your life!