Friday, February 20, 2009

Welcome Spring!

Today it was 45 degrees. Tomorrow it's supposed to be even warmer. That's a big deal for a thin-blooded Californian. You'd think that my blood would thicken. After all, it's been 10 years since we started calling Utah home.

Suni and I decided to get take advantage of the gorgeous weather and get some outside shots of our newest creations. Suni found an old brick wall that was a perfect backdrop for our heritage products. Mind you, the destined wall was located at the far end of a vacant lot. In hindsight, I probably should have realized that things start to melt once the temperature moves above 32 degrees. I must have gone a good 10 feet before I realized that I was sinking in mud!

The good news is that we got some fabulous pictures. Check back...they're coming!

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